第二届运博会开幕!灯光秀影点亮无锡 在一路风景里看《运河四季》|2nd Grand Canal Culture and Tourism Expo opens in Wuxi

2020年09月03日 21:45:22 | 来源:我苏网

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  我苏特稿记者/程梦青 江苏国际频道报道组/吴彬


The second Grand Canal Culture and Tourism Expo opens on Thursday night in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province with the breath-taking live performance called Four Seasons of the Canal.

  沿岸演出“一步一景” 匠心呈现运河风采


With the theme of "integration, innovation, and sharing", this year's expo aims to boost the culture and tourism industry in the post-pandemic era.


Before the opening ceremony, guests from home and abroad took a boat trip to enjoy the night view of the canal. Live performances along the canal featured Wuxi’s local cultural elements and cutting-edge technologies to create an immersive experience that takes the audience to walk through the history of Wuxi’s canal.

  一路风景一路行。演出依托绕城而过的运河景观、水岸舞台,分为飞凤迎宾、流金岁月、滚珠落玉、乡音袅袅、繁华商埠、龙凤呈祥、海纳百川、水巷情韵、码头威风、江南雅韵、吴韵悠扬11个场景;结合无锡地方文化元素,分别通过灯光秀、米码头情景再现、江南丝竹《紫竹调》、锡剧表演《赠塔》、名画投影、凤羽龙表演、管弦三重奏《查尔达什》、舞蹈表演《绣娘》、石锁表演、昆曲《牡丹亭》选段、吴歌对唱等节目,将戏曲舞蹈、诗词歌赋等古典艺术融入江南运河灵动秀美的自然风光, 通过全息影像等现代视觉技术进行生动呈现。


  灯光秀影“四季华章” 大运河历史文化娓娓道来


Four Seasons of the Canal is no doubt the most anticipated performance of the night. The show combines music, dance, poetry, folk arts and operas to let the audience experience the beautiful sceneries in the 4 seasons of the canal. 



Apart from cutting-edge technologies, the most interesting part of the show is that the audience can actually participate the performance, which adds some more fun to the opening ceremony. At the end of the show, 700 drones are arranged into the shape of the ancient canal, depicting a vivid picture of integration of tradition and modernity. 


The second Grand Canal Culture and Tourism Expo is scheduled to be held from September 3 to 7 in the main venue of Wuxi and the sub venue of Huai'an in Jiangsu Province. The expo consists of seven sectors and 15 key activities, including nighttime visits on the Grand Canal, an opening ceremony, stage performances, exhibitions, forums, cultural heritage displays, and interactive activities. 


